You Speak, We Listen

Our Services



Dictation methods vary depending on personal preference of the dictator at each facility. Whether you choose to dictate via telephone to a toll-free number issued strictly to your facility from QualScript, dictate to a hand-held recorder or opt to utilize the 3M mobile application – QualScript’s internet-based platform is compatible with all modes of dictation and will work to make YOU comfortable.

Partnering with QualScript’s ASP (3M) and Excellence Software – QualScript has been able to offer state-of-the-art technology with regards to mobile application usage for its clients. Physician’s daily schedules are downloaded to their iPhones or iPads, physician clicks on appropriate patient, dictates and patient demographics and voice file are submitted in total for production. Final documents interface into the client’s respective EHRs, (created and managed by Excellence Software), removing the burden of the physician from having to “enter data.”



All medical transcriptionists affiliated with QualScript are US-based and have been personally trained by the staff at QualScript. Quality assurance is of utmost concern to us! Therefore, QA is performed on a random basis and constant feedback is communicated to our transcriptionists to assure continued education and accuracy.


Data Delivery

QualScript offers data delivery applications, free of charge to our clients, that are used to reliably transfer confidential information across the internet. All data is transmitted in a secure, encrypted manner. These applications have been designed to integrate with QualScript’s state-of-the-art transcription platform based on an Application Service Provider (ASP) model.

Additionally, QualScript contracts with Excellence Software for the creation, maintenance and hosting of all interface projects. Working in concert with and on QualScript’s behalf, the team at Excellence Software has been able to successfully interface with many of the larger electronic healthcare record (EHR) companies in existence today – eliminating the burden of documentation from the dictators. “You Speak…We Listen”℠ and we deliver!


Speech & Voice Recognition

QualScript has been able to create an unmatched work force of highly skilled and seasoned healthcare document specialists and speech-recognition editors. Taking it one step- further – QualScript utilizes this skill to enter the working environment of some clients’ third-party systems such as PowerScribe – Radiology Associates, PA (RAPA). QualScript provides speech recognition editing (S/R) service, management and coordination of daily work flow, two-hour TAT (turn-around-time) and exceptional service.


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